Saturday, September 03, 2005

Good Neighbor

If you are here in the ATX, do what you can to help out the flood victims. From Ko-op radio:
The Burger Center shelter (877-929-1224) through the Red Cross still needs plenty of volunteers. Pets are NOT allowed but there is a temporary Pet Shelter set-up next to the Burger Center.

Food Donations

Capital Area Food Bank (282-2111) is accepting donations of food for both the Austin shelter and shipments to affected states. Please don't take food directly to the Burger Center, per Red Cross instructions!

Needed: cans of tuna, bottled water, peanut better, granola bars, diapers

Donation Drop-off Sites:

Capital Area Food Bank - 8201 S. Congress (south of Ben White)
HEB - 11521 N 620 (620 and Anderson Mill Rd)
HEB - Hancock Center, 1000 41st St.
HEB - 12400 Hwy 71 W (Bee Caves Rd and Hwy 71)
HEB - 500 Canyon Ridge (From I-35, go east on Canyon Ridge, which is between Parmer and Yager Ln.)


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