Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Guardian has a list of Top Ten Asian Crime Fiction. Says Catherine Sampson,
"If you only looked at size of population, you'd expect China and India to dominate any list like this, but in fact it is Japan which has taken crime fiction to its bosom. In China, politics adds a thick layer of complication. To write about crime in China - however fictional - is to advertise the fact that Chinese society is not an entirely harmonious and benign thing. Of course, China's leaders are a lot more tolerant than they once were when it comes to literature, but it's still sensitive, and crime fiction is a small but growing genre. The Beijing that I see around me, with its speed-of-light economic growth, its social dislocation, its constantly migrating population and its quagmire of corruption, is a verdant pasture for crime fiction. And its political claustrophobia is the perfect environment for a private eye who is an honourable man struggling against a system that threatens to overwhelm him."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE RUINED MAP by Kobo Abe is a great crime novel set in Tokyo. He died in 1993, and the novel was published in '69. Check it out.

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, hayan, i'll check it out!

7:24 PM  

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